Opression of Pakistan Part 2: Economic Opression

Dominance of Pakistani Economics by Minority Bussiness Groups:

Ismaeli Owned Bussinesses:

1) Hashoo Group: 3rd wealthiest Pakistani Family; Owns almost all of Pakistans 5 star hotels, and dominates the Cotton Industry

2) Jung Group: 2nd wealthiest Pakistani Family; Can topple any government they chose. Own Jung group of news papers

3) Lakhani Group: Owns McDonalds, and dominate pharmaceutical industry

Memon Owned Bussinesses:

1) Haroon Family; Own Dawn, Media Barrons

2) Gul Brothers; Textile Giants

3) Younis Brothers; Cement and Energy Tycoons

4) Dewan Family; Textile Giants

Together this list among with the Mian family and Saifullahs, comprises the richest families in Pakistan. For those of you who do not know how the world works, it is always a small minortiy controling the majority. These families are all those which bowed down to the British, and thus the British have kept them in power to rule us. They are all agents of foreign multinationals, and are selling our country to them, for thier own personal gain. They have steered our country into privatization and military dictatorships time after time.