Opression of Pakistan Part 1 : Musharraf
By SYED ADEED- The New York-based Human Rights First (HRF),formerly the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, recently disclosedthat Pakistan's terrorist military dictator General Pervez Musharrafhas illegally tortured, humiliated and imprisoned many innocentPakistanis, Afghans, Arabs and Muslims at his top secret jailslocated in Alizai, Kohat, Peshawar and elsewhere in Pakistan, where numerous innocent humans are still locked up like zoo animals inaccordance with the official orders of Tyrant Musharraf's master, theU.S. Republican President, George W. Bush. An HRF Fact Sheet on the U.S. illegal secret prisons, unlawfultorture and barbaric war crimes states: "There are believed to be atleast 9 'secret' detention locations used since September 2001. Theyare CIA facilities in Afghanistan, Guantanamo and Jordan; detentionfacilities in Alizai, Kohat and Peshawar in Pakistan; a facility onthe U.S. Naval Base on the island of Diego-Garcia; and detentions ofprisoners on U.S. ships, particularly the USS Peleliu and USS Bataan.""Reportedly, 100-150 individuals have been rendered from U.S. custodyto a foreign country known to torture prisoners, including to Egypt,Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Pakistan," the HRF report reveals. About illegal torture under the unconstitutional, unlawful andcorrupt military tyranny of Dictator Musharraf and Crime MinisterShaukat Aziz, the New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) report of27 April 2005, "Torture Worldwide," drawn from HRW research in 2004and 2005, points out:"Torture is routinely used in Pakistan by civilian law enforcement agencies, military personnel and intelligence agencies. While acts oftorture by the police are generally aimed at producing confessionsduring the course of criminal investigations, torture by militaryagencies primarily serves to frighten a victim into changing hispolitical stance or loyalties or at the very least to stop him frombeing critical of the military authorities. Suspects are often whipped to the point of bleeding, severely beaten and made to stay in painful stress positions. A July 2004 Human Rights Watch reportfocuses on abuses against farming families in the Punjab, including testimony about killings and torture by paramilitary forces."http://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/pakistan0704
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Azad Khan